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dark moon catharsis

...decluttering is a spiritual disipline... and it just feels so darn good! In honour of tomorrow's eclipse at the new moon I have purged the dirt from my work space.
Ok so it doesn't look all that different but believe me I am already more productive and more aware of good things that are happening...
I lived for a cluttered desk/room/house as a teenager and up until a few months ago .. when I realised that I could stop rebelling. That was despite the fact that it always pissed me off ... though I knew where everything was (which was my come back as to why I should not tidy up!)
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping Pluto going direct will help - dont know why, but when it turned retro that's when I fell off the Fly Lady ( house keeping wagon, and also coincided with with us moving. So I need to get back on it - I was amazed how much light there is in your house when its not being absorbed by clutter (I think its the terrestrial equivalent of black holes!)
Thus inspired - I think I will give my desk as tidy up (it had one last night as I was having a hissy fit about not being able to find something - yeah I know!) and definitely clean off the kitchen table ... before a salt bath tonight ... ahhhh
lol.. house moving is enough to send the most Virgoan amongst us into chaos...
ReplyDeleteI live in a glass house - which is why its so bright even when cluttered ... only kidding, its not really made of glass, it just seems like it on account of there being so many windows...
I did something completely nuts this morning (sun opp uranus???) in the form of inviting my exhusband and his new partner to my housewarming at the weekend (didn't know I was even having one until this morning!)... then I invited old friends of ours (as in my exhusband and mine) who I haven't really seen since I left the marriage... WHAT am I thinking????
I'm thinking that your invitation is a thank you to your ex for all the help and support that he's provided in the last couple of months. Perhaps its also a really public way of saying 'I've moved on,and I'm OK, adn the past is the past' - or blame it on Uranus. It's certain to be one hell of a party.
ReplyDeleteMy Mum and Dad have got along better since my Dad married his 3rd wife - Mum and Leanne sit there and call each other #1 and #2 .. then giggle and say 'we dont talk about #2. The world works in strange ways ... and I need to go and get the part two of the washing off the line.
thanks Jodi, hope you enjoy your salt bath... going to be very kind to myself until the new moon - this afternoon I received a package of new books from Spring (they publish James Hillman and Jung) on Alchemy so I'm settling the family in for a quiet evening...light some candles, toasties and tea for a change, and some warm Jazz...*sigh*
ps. My Dad has married a few times too...and I number them but not overtly. That is really cute that your mum and step mums get along!
ReplyDeleteBEAUTIFUL work...such an inspired space!