02 February 2009

...and I've flown south....

again! I know I know, but life just keeps getting better and better and why not move this blog to a platform that is more efficient and user friendly??

come and see the new look me at www.danaesinclair.wordpress.com

01 February 2009

mercury stands still

daemone est deus inversus ds '09

"But in the unconscious is everything that has been rejected by consciousness, and the more Christian one's consciousness is, the more heathenishly does the unconscious conduct itself, if in the rejected heathenism there are any values that are important for life - if, that is to say, the baby has been thrown out with the bathwater, as so often happens. The unconscious does not isolate or differentiate its objects as consciousness does."

(Carl Jung, Answer to Job, p 100)