30 September 2008

mercury-uranus and so long for a while...

Just letting you all know that this site will be unattended for a while, due to unforseen circumstances - I'll be busy moving house among other things... if the site goes down, check again later, I promise I'll be back!

28 September 2008

and for a new moon in libra...

"The existentialist emphasis on commitment which many psycho-analysts credit with broadening the scope and shifting the emphasis of their work suffers many of the same defects, thought they are expressed differently. For both Sartre and the early Heidegger (Being and Time), the unbridgeable distance between self and others gives interpersonal commitment an arbitrary and self-centered quality. I am committed because I choose to be, not because the other, who is just a mirror that narcissisticly reflects my existence back to me, in any way solicits that commitment. It is I, my choosing, which lends meaning and value to the commitment and I who benefits by thus exercising my freedom...Equally, commitment understood in quantum terms...is not something directed towards others, nor projected upon others, but and act of fidelity bound up with others as a fundamental part of the self's own definition, a fundamental part of its very nature as a system always engaged in creative relationship..."

(Danah Zohar, The Quantum Self)

26 September 2008

bibliomancy for mercury retrograde in the domain of venus...

"..as she has observed, boys remain boys, boyishness usually resilient into old age. Yet these two and their heirs will not be able to stop themselves filling the world with images of her. From a safe distance, with sweet longing, they will daydream away. In their churches, they will lodge statues of her idealised form, backed by stained-glass windows glistening with Madonna blue, alongside altars in sentimental fidelity to the heart of the human world. Then there will often be some wall - in home of office or gallery - on which hangs a crudely painted or photographed image of a particular woman as instance of her and it will be her eyes, always her eyes, looking out through the blurred and distant face. "

(John Carroll, The Western Dreaming)

22 September 2008

and the wheel turns again...

A long anxious face is not the thing now.

Forget your cares and enjoy what life offers you.
A workman's capable hands
clear away the dust that hides a precious jade.

Kuan Yin Oracle, 16: A Happy Face

14 September 2008

bibliomancy for a full moon with uranus...

young whales ds 'o8

"At this point in the work the ego and the unconscious have both dramatically changed.  The ego and the principle of consciousness it represents have gotten closer to the inner world of instinct and freedom....at the same time, the unconscious has moved closer to the world of consciousness by casting off its chaos and confusion and by allowing a certain level of harmony and order to affect it...its wildness and ferocity are now ordered by its relationship with the ego; the two are cooperating and entering into new depths of relationship..."  

(Jeffrey Raff, Jung and the Alchemical Imagination, p 111)

11 September 2008

bibliomancy for mars and venus together in libra

"...Tristan is called to sacrifice. He thinks he is asked to sacrifice both anima and woman; but he is not. He is called only to sacrifice a way of approaching anima and a way of approaching woman. He is called to give up his precious claim to the right to live his soul by projection. He is called to give up his demand that woman bear his unconscious for him. If he could make that sacrifice, and make it cleanly, he would discover that what he thinks he has lost will be returned to him: his soul will be returned to him..."

(Robert A. Johnson, The Psychology of Romantic Love)

04 September 2008

bibliomancy for pluto and jupiter direct

ds '08

"you must go into the dark in order to bring forth your light"

- Debbie Ford, the Dark Side of the Light Chasers

(apologies, I'm on a sort of 'hiatus' - or rather I'm seeing how far I can go into 'not doing' before the forward motion begins again)