30 August 2007

day of jupiter

Today the creative well seems a little dry. The idea behind this blog is to develop a daily writing practice beyond my paper and pen journal, which tends to become a bit intense and personal.

Not to mention it is often hard for me to put my writing work 'out there' in any way.. I make my way one timid submission at a time.

I can't remember which famous author said that to be a writer one must write every day, even if its just one word - so here is my one word for today:



  1. Nice to put a bit more substance to you than what is on MM. Anne http://www.myspace.com/wrightlecorbusiergehry :)

  2. thanks Anne, nice to be of substance :)


Thanks for taking time to read my blog - please feel free to comment or ask questions and I'll do my best to respond.