11 September 2007

the artist's way...

... yes we're about to start the twelve week course, so if anyone else wants to join US just chime in anytime this week...

So do we need guidelines for how to proceed with it?

A lot of it we do individually - the morning pages, artist's date etc... so I'm thinking we just blog our experiences (yeah not the morning pages) and offer each other support.

any ideas?

(forgive me if I'm a little more than just a bit strange today - am having one of those...)


  1. Evening Danae and happy New Moon and Solar Eclipse. The introduction mentions that there are guidelines for completing the course in a group ... I haven't gone to investigate further as its been a bit of a busy evening. I will try and have a look tomorrow.

    I've got my exercise book ready for the morning ... and will be very interested to see how it pans out - especially considering I'll need to be up earlier than everyone else to be able to find the quiet time in which to do it. Looking pretty crappy considering that its now midnight!

    The intro and basics of the book have already struck some chords within, connecting up with other knowledge/wisdom that I have ... so yeah ... looking forward to the journey.

  2. Ok, so I never did the morning pages yesterday... instead, I looked at email, paid bills and had an argument with my husband which ate up my morning. I did do them last night before bed but am wondering if they will have the same effect as opposed to doing them in the morning. I did get some neat ideas while doing them but then promptly fell asleep afterward. Anyway, today is half over and I accidentally turned off my alarm this morning so the kids barely made it onto their bus and I've been going non-stop since then so I'll probably have to do the pages tonight again! Tomorrow promises to be crazy as well since I have to go to orientation at my son's school in the morning and it takes an hour to get there. So, so... I know it sound like a bunch of excuses but I think life will quiet down after that and I'll be able to focus better. As for how to do this as a group... maybe we can share some of the negative voices we hear and how we change them into positive statements or something like that? Maybe just sharing thoughts in general will be enough and keeping each other motivated.

  3. Hey Jodi and SM (sorry I don't know what else to call you! :))... I will come and visit your blogs later but just quickly checking in here...

    Well we are all working with time constraints and lots of 'distractions' so we don't really need to call them excuses right? So we can be gentle on ourselves from the outset and bend the 'rules' a bit about how to go about things... if we can't get to the morning pages we'll call them afternoon pages or early evening pages or after dinner pages, as long as there are three pages I don't see a problem - do you?

    We women are 'bricoleurs' - we make do with what we have.

    I did find it important to set up a routine that was condusive to journalling when I first started it (about three years ago) - I drop the kids at school (or childcare as it was earlier on) and go straight to my favourite cafe (they know me all really well now and even gave me a baby shower!) to dedicate some time to it. I'm not saying this is what everyone should do but it is important to me that I'm not here at home where there are a million things to do that grab my attention...

    more later..

    we're doing ok!

  4. Glad to hear that you are all doing OK. These last two eclipses seem to have hit our household particularly hard (dylan is pisces moon, Dave sun pisces and pisces rising I think, and I'm Virgo moon) lots of subterranean and in your fact stuff going on simultaneously.

    I did my pages this morning - complete with all the distractions going on (Jane and the Dragon most annoyingly) but got the three pages written .. and amazingly enough, the little inner voice that talks a million miles an hour (just like Dylan ... sure my inner voice is a Gemini!) not stop all day, has been pretty quiet.

    It's my sister's birthday - never a good day for me but haven't had to listen to the to and fro-ing of the pros and cons of what I should and shouldn't be doing. Will go send her an email to wish her happy birthday and avoid the potentially explosive telephone call. So seeing benefits already.

    Tomorrow going to get up that half hour earlier, that I said I would and do my pages then without the distraction of the TV in the background.

  5. I did my pages again last night and timed it this time for 30 minutes instead of 3 pages. I am defintiely starting to have ideas of things I want to do or make but I the block I need to work through is making the time for those things and having the money for those things. And, well, you know, not letting the house go to pot if I take time to write or create art.

    btw, you can call me dali or dalissa. Dalissa is my full name but internet friends usually call me dali because it's been my screen name for a group I've been part of for years.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


Thanks for taking time to read my blog - please feel free to comment or ask questions and I'll do my best to respond.