06 September 2007

by jove, a poem

I really love Thor's Days. Here's a poem I wrote a couple of years ago that always makes me feel good..

say it again!
say that my heart
like it wants
to get out
of its cage
that you can feel
its secrets
through my skin
and that tonight
I'm wrapping paper
around you
so softly
these words
like fruit
into my hands
say them again!

copyright d sinclair 2007


  1. Divine! I should turn my hand to a bit of poetry. Been writing epic nostalgic essays - blaming it on moon in Cancer.

    Lovely to come and hang out on your blog ... another means of frittering away the time I should be working.

    On that note - Im going to bed :)

  2. VGS you definitely should, its great for loosening up the creative joints... they can get a bit creaky without the occasional change in regime - don't you think?


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