28 June 2008

bibliomancy for uranus stationary retrograde...

"We must love each other or die" WH Auden

As above, so below; as within, so without. Sometimes, though, its hard to tell which is the driving force of change - as if there's some logic to the old Chinese belief that fate is divided into three parts, only one of which is in the control of the individual. It could be true, especially if you believe it (which I don't).

Uranus, out there in the cosmos past Saturn, is said to embody the archetype of change; of innovation, aliveness and synchronicity. One astrologer says this planet brings 'mishaps and miracles'. Its more than a Trickster, though, which brings minor mishaps and challenges to the flow of our daily lives and creates the kind of connections which make us laugh in spite of ourselves. Wherever Uranus touches our lives we find ourselves confronted by the truly unconventional - things get turned on their side. Like the discovery of the planet beyond our known solar system that coincided with the rise in technology; the 'industrial revolution' that moved humans en masse like nothing else. Nothing has been the same since. Life just keeps getting faster, smaller, stranger.

There's an argument that Uranus should be called Prometheus - the one who stole the fire of the gods. I'm sure Uranus has something in store for all those who say 'should' about anything. Some call this planet The Awakener - the electric boogooloo of the divine world, the one who'll shake us up, inspire remarkable creations and open our minds to previously unimagined things. He is the Great Science Fiction Writer in the Sky - except that the fiction is becoming reality.

As an outer planet Uranus moves slowly, unseen (to a naked eye looking out from here on earth) and is more about the collective personality than any individual psyche. Or rather, Uranus breaks through our personal ego-barriers to show us how our thinking is all wrong, that our individuality is just an illusion, that we aren't separate at all. Uranus gives us the quantum dimension - a whole other perspective from which to view life the universe and everything.

So as Uranus slows down before entering its retrograde period we can expect some revelations - this is a powerful change in direction - and some events that ask us to think differently. More, to recognise that we are part of a collective; to observe how our thoughts and beliefs shape our part of that collective and ask ourselves if these are working towards something creative and good - and if not, then why.

Because as the guy with the lightbulb has shown us, one person really can make a difference to the whole world.


  1. Bravo Danae! Great writing and great ideas . . . there's a joke re changing light bulbs on the tip of my tongue . . . just can't quite articulate it!

  2. Thomas Alva Edison-good article!

  3. How many mythical figures does it take to change a lightbulb?



    How many mythical figures does it take to change a lightbulb?

    None. They ordain the lightbulb to seek its own path and to change itself.


    How many mythical figures does it take to change a lightbulb?

    I could explain it to you but then you'd ascend and I like your company so I will not.


    Hey, so they're crap... but at least they're orginial :D

  4. lol Wulfy... I like the first one the best xx


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