11 September 2008

bibliomancy for mars and venus together in libra

"...Tristan is called to sacrifice. He thinks he is asked to sacrifice both anima and woman; but he is not. He is called only to sacrifice a way of approaching anima and a way of approaching woman. He is called to give up his precious claim to the right to live his soul by projection. He is called to give up his demand that woman bear his unconscious for him. If he could make that sacrifice, and make it cleanly, he would discover that what he thinks he has lost will be returned to him: his soul will be returned to him..."

(Robert A. Johnson, The Psychology of Romantic Love)


  1. Dan, this is beautiful. Perfect. Makes me rejoice at being woman. Perfect especially for Mars Venus in Libra.

  2. I have come across a theory once, that conciousness is a random outcome of all the cells in our body working in synergy to self propagate.

    Soul is just a useful artifact to wrap a pretty ribbon around otherwise terribly undivine pond scum.

    Nevertheless, It is something I believe in since souls absence makes for a very empty universe.

    The quote kinda makes sense to me too Dan, if its accident, its just another example that your Isis is showing. If its purposeful (and what with you isnt, even if its by accident) thanks a lot my dear friend.

  3. thank you both...

    wulfy, yes its purposeful and accidental - bibliomancy/divination is like that... and you know me, one thing is never positioned in relation to another, but rather belongs to both... so you're welcome.


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