24 February 2008

bibliomancy for venus in aquarius

"The Cloudless Sky.

The sun is shining on you,
bright and clear
in a cloudless sky.
Everything is going as you wish."

(100 Poems of the Goddess, The Kuan Yin Oracle)

Well, this is more optimistic than I thought possible. I almost overlooked this transit on account of all the Saturn activity - teeth and bone and joint issues abound in my family and among friends, not to mention a general heaviness in myself.

Alright then, Saturn rules Aquarius, so it fits.

I've been contemplating what it means to 'build community' (one of Aquarius' rulerships) and the wider world. There's a strong pull towards whatever is 'out there' as opposed to hiding away here at home behind my computer screen.

As mentioned casually to a friend - and not for the first time lately - 'I've been living under a rock for far too long'.

Its a big rock and quite a burden, not to mention the kind of insect-life one attracts from under here. And having dropped my sense of humour somewhere in the dirty darkness I seem incapable of 'lightening up'.

Darn. I've heard of the 'wrong side of the tracks' but it looks like I'm on the wrong side of the rock.

I want to be on top.

So I ask you, what does it take? You're all 'out there' - am I missing anything? Is this idea of 'community' one of those ideas, like marriage and formal education that are theoretically sound but in general practice rather, er unsound? Is it a fantasy?

Oh, don't get me wrong - I'm not saying that marriage and education are fantasies, only that our stories around them can be detrimental to our mental health. (ok, MY mental health, I'm sure yours is fine)

So is 'community' another monotheistic model for lived experience that will bring me to grief - or am I looking for reasons to keep hauling like Atlas indefinitely?

There is an argument, quite a scientific one if you view Quantum Mechanics as science - that separation is an illusion. So we aren't individuals, however much our egos tell us we bloodywellare, and creating groups of individuals seems to me like creating kind of a communal ego. More separation, more fear and more trouble.

As a child it bothered me somewhat that there are such things as countries and nations and borders. We all live here on this one world together - part of it - we're all the same aren't we? I'd think to myself (yes I knew better than to say it outloud) that there was a Big Mistake.

My mother should have put me to bed instead of in the bouncy chair in front of the telly that day they walked on the moon - the day they showed us we're a living ball hanging in space.

Hm. Where was I going with this?

I'm really getting to the point of no return - separation is an illusion, as is the darn rock I keep referring to (but not the one we live on and are in fact a part of). There isn't anything 'out there' that isn't going on 'in here'.

All at once, actually, inside and out, in the large and little things that happen each day, each moment.

Time and space as we know them are changing - our linear model won't fit with our expanding world view and concurrent shrinking technology. We're learning to see beyond what we think is happening to what the other possibilites are.

Its too easy as people locked into our daily routines to fall deep into the Saturnine trap of 'not enough', that is, disconnection and immobilisation by the fear of scarcity, of inadequacy and failure. Turning away from another true state of things.

Sure, such a thing as scarcity does exist - limits exist, boundaries, form, borders and egos exist for real reasons - but the other truth is that we are limitless, we are all made of the same stuff and that the biggest thing and the smallest thing are exactly the same.

Its not one or the other, its both.

So there's no need for me to go anywhere to commune - if you are somewhere dancing, so am I. If you are somewhere making love, so are we all. I can sit right here at my desk, and lifetimes of experience and understanding are delivered to me instantly.

Of course, should I venture past my front door, unlock the gate, take myself out and actually have some fun I can only be doing the world some good - right?

That's no light-weight idea.


  1. I am here from Michele's place. Her place is a lot smaller than your place.

  2. I reckon the best way to cheer oneself up is to talk to people. I used to do that through online games but the people have one track minds in those.

    I'm getting to like Blogs, although they're a bit mixed. If they're saying stuff that is depressing, shrug and move on to the next. If they seem worth talking to though, give 'em a wave ;-)

    Here via Michele's :-)

    PS Will be looking to see a pic of slightly more than hair & eyes, hopefully with as big a smile as Junior has in the first post on your blog :-)

  3. I distinctly remember being upset when I learned that we had to pay for our water and land. Who can own water and land, was the question. Who is the real landlord?

    I do live in a place of community. I feel blessed to. Michele spun me this way.

  4. Hmm,

    Dinner ??

    I have good refs !

    No, seriously, just two bovines chewing the cud


    Load of bull with sting in tail

  5. lol. :) send references, I'll let you know ;D


Thanks for taking time to read my blog - please feel free to comment or ask questions and I'll do my best to respond.