22 August 2008

and for the sun in virgo

'half of eden' ds 'o8

"While Mary the mother is swamped by the tragedy, this Magdelene stands up and turns towards the world. Her story is of the gaining of inviolable presence through traumatic initiation. She flings her right hand outwards. There may be anguish shading into horror in her face but she is rising through it. Her work will be in the world and for the world, where she will both command and nurture."

(John Carroll, The Western Dreaming, p 61)


  1. Dahling, I LOVE this drawing as well as the Waiting for Moonrise. Feels like me. Heavy with both fruit and foreboding, smudgy grey with promise.

  2. PS that was me, Fallen Angel

  3. thanks!! so good to have you here again...

    good, too, that you are fruiting again, even if that fruit is forbidden ;)


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