January 15. Moon in Aries, Mercury sextile Venus (natal)
the car won't start
my phone tells me I have a connection failure - to check my settings.
life is never strange anymore.
Craig tells me I'm a brat - same as Edi and Alice (does that mean he 'loves me the best' too?)
I know I'm a brat - I love being a brat! I'll always be a BRAT!
why would I want to be anything other than what I am - exactly as I am?
I've been to the plastic surgeon to see about my plastic parts. He tells me I'm not as bad as I think. HA! I'm exactly as bad as I think.
I'm only ever what I think at one time or another.
But I won't have to wait long now.
(and I may have turned into one of those people who sits in cafes staring at everyone strangely)
so, nothing.