29 July 2008

bibliomancy for mercury conjunct sun in leo

'say it again, angel' d sinclair '07

"A soulful life is one of thoughtfulness, care, and engagement - you are present in everything you do, not just going through the motions. You give attention to the things that matter most. You take care of your body and your health. You make your home a place of comfort, welcome, and beauty. You educate yourself throughout your life in values and solid ideas. Your leisure time relaxes you, gives you a rich social life, and provides fun and play. Your spirituality is deep as well as visionary, and you incorporate contemplation, discussion, ritual, and prayer into everyday life, and you do all this in a style that suits you as an individual."

(Thomas Moore, A Life at Work, p103)

26 July 2008

and for the coming solar eclipse...

'swallow and don't stop' d sinclair '08

"To paraphrase an old saw, the wound becomes the window to the soul. Without the affects, our unconsciousness would continue and we would be deprived of the opportunity to grow, to live more fully, more authentically, more responsibility.

For this reason, shame and dread, although experienced as painful psychological chaos, are, if worked through, opportunities to establish order by integrating into consciousness elements of our lives which were both unconscious and critically important...."

(Sandra Edelman; Turning the Gorgon, a Meditation on Shame)

22 July 2008

bibliomancy for the sun in leo

self, again. d sinclair '06

"How are we to take these references to the gods of Greece or Rome? Or, how are we to interpret his quaint and occasionally downright insane remedies? He advices a person lacking in the spirit of Jupiter, for example, to add peppermint to his diet. Is this legend, folklore, precocious pharmacology, or pure metaphor?"

(Thomas Moore; The Planets Within, on Marcilio Ficino)

"... Soul - psyche - and psychology, these are not merely personal things; they're about the whole world.." (me, from my paper journal)

18 July 2008

bibliomancy for a capricorn-cancer full moon

d sinclair '06

"In the Florentine view the human body was a manifestation of the soul. It was possible to entertain a soulless notion of the body, but that was considered an aberration. Such a body was unnaturally split off from the soul. We might call it schizoid - lifeless, meaningless and without poetics. But an ensouled body takes its life from the world's body, as Ficino said, "the world lives and breathes, and we can draw its spirit into us" What we do to the world's body, we do to our own. We are not masters of this world, we participate in its life." (Thomas Moore, Care of the Soul, p 172)

17 July 2008

..and for a peregrine bibliomancer...

self portrait d sinclair '07

"The first contact brings the sudden awareness that all is not 'right' but it is often difficult to discern which part of oneself or one's environment is inappropriate to the future. One begins to cast about, looking outside oneself for the cause of anxiety or turbulence"

(Erin Sullivan, Retrograde Planets, Traversing the Inner Landscape - Chapter 21, Transiting Uranus Retrograde, p367)

The word 'Peregrine' comes from the Latin for 'alien' or 'foreigner' (pereger = beyond the borders, ager = land, i.e., 'beyond one's own land'). In old English, to peregrinate means to wander far from home. In traditional and medieval astrology the term refers to a planet which has no 'level of rulership' or power in its current cosmic position - its a drifter, an immigrant and just passing through, buddy.

There are a few planets doing not much in particular at the moment, or so it feels to me - but perhaps its only that here in my house we're all home from school; mooching around wrapped in blankets, passing each other tissues and hot tea as we nurse runny noses and coughs; pottering between one creative project and the next; reading the same page over and over; generally not getting a whole lot done. The phone is off the hook, we're hunkered down, as they say in the movies (and probably in real life somewhere out there). At the same time is a feeling that we'll be leaving here soon, but as yet we have no place to aim for. I await the guidance of the Gods.

Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto, Chiron and Neptune - these boys are all in cosmic drift mode, otherwise known as 'retrograde'. Not actually going backwards, as the word suggests, but appearing to do so as the heavens continue to reel around them. Someone recently described this as akin to being driven along on one of those childhood road trips, lying down on the backseat and watching the trucks overtake - marvelling at how this really feels like travelling in reverse. Yeah, like that, remember?

While lying there on the backseat, watching the world go past, you might start to wonder about where you've been, which direction you're going in; you might question the nature of time and direction and you might imagine a whole lot of stuff. The inner world - soul - takes over. Those telegraph poles you can see out of the window become markers - proof that you are indeed still going somewhere. You can fly between them, leap from one to the next. Until your little sister decides to stick straws in your nostrils, and Mum in the front seat tells you to keep your feet inside the vehicle or for goodness' sake a passing truck will take them off.

Sorry, I got carried away there for a moment.

(See? I'm a wanderer in my own inner landscape right now, and in need of outer guidance - but my body is telling me to be still a while, let life get out of focus. Who am I to argue with the soul's wisdom?)

Bleuch, I'm going back to bed...

13 July 2008

bibliomancy for venus in leo

'paradise chick' d sinclair '08

"We possess Beauty when we are true to our own being; ugliness is in going over to another order...Let the soul fall in with the Ugly and at once it shrinks within itself, denies the thing, turns away from it, out of tune, resenting it." (Plotinus: V.8.13)

10 July 2008

bibliomancy for mars conjunct saturn in virgo

'weighting' d sinclair '06

"...'I'm not worth it', that lie lives in your mind because you believe it. You don't believe people who tell you how great you are, and you don't believe them because you believe the opposite. Your faith is already invested in a belief that is not the truth; its a lie, but your faith guides your actions... "

- Don Miguel Ruiz; The Voice of Knowledge, p 97

04 July 2008

dream readings, personal bibliomancy

'magician' d sinclair 'o8

Got a dream that just doesn't make sense? Maybe you get the feeling that its important, but understanding eludes you?

Has a seemingly random event occured in your daily life that's too poignant to ignore - perhaps a series of recurring symbols keep appearing - yet for some reason you can't figure out what it all could mean?

Do you have a burning question about the future?

I'm now offering dream readings, 'cledon' reading and bibliomancy in the privacy of your email inbox. Send your dream or query to me (danae AT danaesinclair DOT com.au) - in whatever depth you feel necessary - use the paypal button below to send your donation to receive your personal (not generated by a computer program!) reading within 24 hours.

03 July 2008

bibliomancy for a new moon in cancer

inner trinity d sinclair 'o8

"The Orphan archetype teaches the inner child to survive difficulty. The Wanderer differentiates the adolescent from parents and others and promotes the sense of adventure we need to face the unknown. The Warrior activates the inner father so he can protect and provide for us. The Altruist supports the inner mother so she can nurture and comfort us."

- Carol S Pearson: The Hero Within, Six Archetypes We Live By, p 220

01 July 2008

bibliomancy for mars in virgo

'jester' d sinclair '08

""Beauty and the Beast" suggests that we can transform not only ourselves but others by loving them just as they are - "naming" them as lovable, even with all their imperfections. "The Frog Prince," though is a different story. The frog takes advantage of the the princess; she is emotionally younger and not so wise as Beauty, not so able to love the frog as a frog."

- Carol S Pearson, PHD; The Hero Within, Six Archetypes We Live By, p201

Mars, planet and archetype of masculinity in its prime, of yang, initiating, outward-moving energy; our inner warrior, charioteer and all-round action figure - is changing sign again. Out of Leo, where the sun shines so bright its a wonder our guy doesn't fry inside that armour and into cooler, cleaner, analytical Virgo. Yes, what a relief.

A pause to re-group and have a good think about where things are at.

For we women folks, the men around us may begin to be a lot less hot-headed and perhaps cool off in other regions as well. I've heard a lot of stories lately about how the fellas are acting out like big Drama Kings, and in some good ways too. Leo rules romance, after all, and who doesn't like splashy, dramatic displays of emotion and affection?

Well, we'll see. I for one didn't experience much of the above anyway - Mars, for me, is creative energy which is best put to use on my various projects, one of which is this blog. Tapping into my inner warrior means going after what I want, not necessarily with a sword in my hand but with intent to succeed. Lately I've been so fired up about certain things that - no surprise - fire alarms keep going off in my presence. (this morning I burnt my favourite pan - a gorgeous red soup pot that I left on the stove top over long and is now ruined). Ideally, I'd like to tone it down by degrees and settle into 'active receptivity' mode. Let things fall into place of their own accord. Work more efficiently, with less energy expended.

As for the blokes - or should that be Beasts? - there may well be shift to cerebral emphasis in relations with them. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, and Mercury represents the mind. Then again, if it involves Mercury we're talking about that Trickster God so it may be wise to keep a sharp eye out for, well, tricks. It might also be helpful to be in tune with the healthier aspects of Virgo - good, positive self-care - the grounding kind. Hold fast to integrity, and be less easily influenced by flash, flowers and sleight of hand.

And don't, what ever you do, kiss the frog.